Prone to Wander

Surfside Beach, TX

Surfside Beach, TX

I have to admit: I'm dealing with some parenting fears lately. You see, I'm prone to wander. I don't mean to, but sometimes I do... we all do. We are not unlike the Israelites of the Old Testament in this way—fickle and flighty. We ask for things that aren't good for us. We don't listen to wisdom. We thank God with one breath, and curse Him with the next.

Sometimes, we see our kids wander just like we did, and it scares us. We watch as they bypass the wise decisions that bring peace to a parent's heart. It's exhausting and, at times, disheartening to watch our kids fumble. I hate to admit it, but things like this cause my faith to shrink a little.

Do you know what bolsters my faith? The reassurance that God can outrun the most determined of runners. We can never outrun His love. And that's so comforting to this momma. God continues to remind me that He will always chase after the wanderer. His legs never get tired like mine do. His resolve never fades like mine does.

I've never been so thankful for a God who will always chase after the ones He loves. And, oh, how He loves you. He loves you. He loves your kids. He loves your ex. He loves that person who turned your life upside down. He loves—no matter what we are prone to do when left to our own vices. So don't let your faith shrink or fear overtake you when people make choices that seem destructive to you. Your faith isn't meant to be founded in people. It's founded in God, and He will always pursue what's best for you. Thanks for chasing me, Lord.

"I'm prone to wander, but You're prone to chase." (Hymn of The Ages by Maverick City Music)